Enhance Health and Safety protection for workplace dust

Personal Dust Monitoring Wearables

Enhance Health and Safety protection for workplace dust

Monitor, understand and control dust

Maintain productivity by providing convenient wearable

Protect workers from increased dust exposure

Personal Dust Alarms to protect you from Dust

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Personal Dust Monitoring wearable instrument, provides visibility to the variability and hotspots of dust exposure and provides a record of the temporal record profile of dust exposure during a worker’s day.

It also includes visual and audible alarms when dust levels exceed pre-set levels, warning the wearer to remove themselves from the area or to secure Respiratory Protection Equipment.

The value of Personal Dust Monitoring in the Workplace

Warn an individual of increased respirable dust levels with alarms in order to refit RPE or exit area

Understand dynamics of personal dust exposure during a working day to inform mitigation plans

Minimise exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) by real time monitoring of respirable dust

Create records of an individual’s exposure to respirable dust for long term protection

Comply with Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs): sample inhalable dust according to MDHS14/4

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DustCanary Advantages

Enhance Health and Safety protection for workplace dust

Robust Operation

Intuitive and simple to use

Rechargeable battery for daily use

Recording and downloadable data for record keeping

Real-time Monitoring

Innovative optical sensors give visibility to the dynamics of personal dust exposure

Suited for controlled respirable dust applications

Minimum detection of <10µg/m3

Dust range of up to ü 1mg/m3

ü 2l/min flow rate for representative monitoring

Integrated with recording of alarms and results.

APPG Report

Improving Silicosis Outcomes in the UK

January 2023 sees the release of a new report from the UK’s All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Respiratory Health, which includes clinical and regulatory recommendations that will make a real difference to silicosis outcomes and the future protection of workers health from respirable crystalline silica (RCS).


Silica (Silicon dioxide) is found abundantly in the earth’s crust in stone, rocks and sand and is present in two forms: amorphous and crystalline silica. Respirable crystalline silica is created when freshly ‘fractured’ through processes including stonecutting, drilling and polishing.


Invisible to the naked eye in normal light, the respirable size fraction which is less than 4 micron is fine enough to reach deep inside the lungs when inhaled, putting workers at risk.

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Silicosis, a long-term lung disease caused by inhaling large amounts of crystalline silica dust over extended periods, is considered to be the most common chronic occupational lung disease worldwide, with an estimated 600,000 workers exposed to silica in the UK each year. According to the HSE, 12,000 lung disease deaths each year are estimated to be linked to past exposures to work.


Ultra Protect welcome and fully support the APPG’s recommendations including those which promote good quality real-time monitoring such as standards and certification schemes.


Reflecting on technological developments in real time dust monitoring in the wake of the previous APPG report (2020), ‘Silicosis – the New Asbestos?’. We welcome the opportunity to work closely with regulators and industry experts in helping to protect the respiratory health of workers.’ 

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