Dust & Noise Monitoring

Dust & Noise Monitoring Services

Ultra Protect is committed to providing the best air quality solutions for safer and healthier working environments. The key to health is often focused on staying active and having good nutrition. However, something so significant as the air we breathe is regularly overlooked. We believe air quality should be everyone’s priority, and we are working to deliver the best possible solutions to make it easier for you.

The Dangerous Levels of Dust on Construction Sites

Industrial environments are a hotbed for dust and noise pollution. Even outdoors, they create an excessive amount of debris that can affect the air quality of surrounding areas.

Measuring and monitoring the levels of dust, noise and vibration can help your construction site maintain better air quality. Not only is this better for your workers, but it’s also better for those living nearby and the environment. If you are worried about dust levels in your workplace, you can book a Dust Risk Assessment today.

We Specialise in Dust, Noise & Vibration Monitoring

Monitor your outdoor dust, noise, and vibration levels to help maintain a healthier work environment and better air quality.

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Our Range of Dust & Noise Monitoring Products

We offer a range of industry leading dust management and monitoring equipment to improve the air quality on your site and the surrounding areas. We can carry out a site survey to help you choose the best products for your specific surroundings. Our passion is to provide better air quality for all, especially for those at higher risk in industrial environments.

Our quality air solutions include the following products:


Available to Hire or Purchase

We offer hiring and purchasing options for all our dust and noise monitoring equipment. You don’t have to worry about committing. You can simply hire the tools you need while you need them with our easy hiring system.

Likewise, suppose you wish to purchase your equipment for more permanent use. In that case, all our products are available at competitive prices. If you choose to purchase, we offer a finance option so you can spread out the payments, making it easier for you.

Call Us to Arrange a Site Visit & Demonstration

We are passionate about improving air quality, so much so that we want to bring our services to you! A member of our expert team will attend your site to demonstrate any products you wish to learn more about. We will take a look at your site and go through the best possible solutions to improve dust and noise pollution. CONTACT US today to find out more!

Odour Management Assessment

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