Air Quality Solutions

Improving Air Quality

The Importance of Air Quality

None of us can live without clean air as we have to breathe all day, every day. Nowadays, people spend most of their time indoors, in work places, leisure facilities, homes and schools – up to 92%.

Indoor Air Quality is very important to our health and is more of a problem now than it was in the past for three reasons:

  1. The way buildings are constructed,
  2. The lack of ventilation in newer buildings for the sake of energy efficiency,
  3. Smaller or inoperable windows

Lack of good ventilation can cause many problems with Indoor Air Quality because indoor air is not circulated as much as outdoor air. The indoor air can retain chemicals, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), mould sporespollenmicrobial volatile organic compounds (MVOC’s), toxins, bacteria, viruses, and other irritants more easily than outdoor air.

In the last few years, mainly for the reasons above, indoor air has become more polluted than outdoor air even in the most industrialised cities!

The longer you are exposed to indoor air pollutants, the more likely you will develop health problems such as respiratory diseases (like asthma) and cardiovascular diseases

It does happen to people like you.

Young children, the elderly, and those suffering from chronic disease will be the most likely to develop problems due to poor indoor air quality.

Luckily, we’re not powerless. Personalized health-focused environmental insights help to make invisible air pollution in our environment visible to us all year round.

With the right intelligence, we can empower people to take control of the air they breathe and ensure better health outcomes for millions within the UK.

Air Purifiers

Browse through some of our Air Purifiers below!

Common Questions

  • What is IAQ

    IAQ stands for indoor Air Quality and refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of the building's occupants.

  • What are the immediate effects

    A single exposure to poor IAQ can lead to irritation of the eyes, nose & throat, headaches, dizziness and fatigue. Such immediate effects are usually short-term and treatable.

  • What are the long term effects

    Years of exposure to pollutants can lead to respiratory diseases, heart diseases and cancer.

  • What are the common sources of pollutants

    Sources of indoor pollution include tobacco products, building materials & finishes, furnishings, temperature & humidity, indoor chemical reactions, cleaning supplies, heating systems, molds, pathogens and human activities including virus spreading though touching & breathing.

  • Ventialtion

    Outdoor air can enter and leave a building through infiltration, natural ventilation and mechanical ventilation. Poor ventilation can lead to health problems.

We Specialise in Air Quality Assessments

Air quality testing is important to help ensure your buildings safety and compliance to the latest legal requirements.

Book your Air Quality Assessment

Internal Air QuAlity Requirements

The Legal Requirements Surrounding Internal Air Quality

Under the current Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Occupiers Liability Act 1984, an employer has a duty of care to ensure that a safe and healthy environment is provided.

The Approved Code of Practice accompanying the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, states that indoor air quality should be at least equal to, but ideally better than, the air outside your building and that all commercial premises must have an Air Quality Management system in place – especially as the Internal Air Quality is generally at least 5 times worse than externally.

To achieve this then an Air Quality Assessment would need to be completed.

Find out more

How Can Ultra Protect Help

Carry out a full site Air Quality Risk Assessment.

Attend site to give advice & solutions.

Supply, install and commission all equipment bespoke to your premises.

Provide service packages to maintain the life expectancy and performance of your air movement solutions.

Help YOU provide a Cleaner, Healthier and more Productive Workplace.

Training include system control options and use. 


Air Purification with UV-C to kill pathogens and recirculate clean air.

On the ceiling, wall, floor or desk solutions.

Patented Low Resistance Ducted Purification solutions – 99.99% effective.

Stand alone or full building ventilation systems.

Workplace Dust control – from the air, from the surface or from source – we have products for all issues.

Dust suppression systems for building site control.

Proactive Air Quality Monitoring.


Improving your indoor air quality

What do Hepa Filters not help with?

Remove Mould

Remove Allergies

Remove Viruses

Remove Dust –

PM2.5 & PM10.0

Indoor air quality testing can help you to ensure your buildings and employee’s safety. Regular Indoor Air Quality testing will ensure that you provide the safest and most beneficial environment for the building users and also help you to comply with current Health & Safety and Building Regulations.

Read more about the Importance of Air Quality

10 Aug, 2022
Dust. It can kill Not just today, but years down the line Don't risk your health, protect your lungs from dust Construction workers die every week from lung diseases caused by exposure to dust. Many more suffer from severe chronic long-term lung conditions. Don’t make the same mistake as construction workers who have not realised the health risks of exposure to dust and have worked unprotected.  Make sure you are aware of the risks and know what to do to stay safe.
24 Jul, 2022
What is UVC You can’t understand the probable UV air purifier dangers if you don’t know what a UV is. UV(ultraviolet) is a light spectrum that’s often invisible that comes with wavelengths. Sunlight also contains ultraviolet rays whose exposure causes sunburn on human skin. This means that UV rays can be dangerous both to you and your pets. There are various light rays that exist today such as gamma and X-ray rays which experts have termed as quite harmful to humans. In the past, UV light was utilised to disinfect water, the air, and surfaces. If you are wondering whether this technology is effective when it comes to enhancing the quality of air in a home and eliminating airborne particles, this article will illustrate how UV air purifiers function and how effective they are when it comes to cleaning the air.
By Blam Websites 20 Jun, 2021
Ventilation plays a vital role in the running of an enclosed workplace. It helps to carry fresh, clean air through the space, keep employees happy and healthy, and maintain the efficiency of the workplace on a daily basis. Regulations surrounding workplace ventilation have been put in place for good reason. When adhered to, any hot, humid or stale air within the space will be replaced with clean air at the right rate. The general rule of thumb is to keep at least 5-8 litres of fresh air within the space, every second for every occupant. This goes for any air that is clean and free of impurities that could cause workers to fall ill or be unhappy with the working environment. The vast majority of enclosed workplaces are required to have a certain amount of fresh air passing through the space. That includes anything from an office space to a commercial kitchen, a spray booth to a hospital, for example. Without proper ventilation, it’s very difficult to get a good amount of clean air into these enclosed spaces, and with many individuals coming and going throughout the day, it’s vital to provide clean air to keep these individuals healthy. There are some exceptions when it comes to enclosed workplaces and the standard ventilation guidelines. For example, a workplace designed for growing mushrooms needs a humid space for the product growth.

Call For Site Visit and Demonstration

We will attend your site, demonstrate and go through your options with you.

We will supply, install, train and maintain all Air Quality Products. Plus, We also provide a FULL SITE Air Quality Risk assessment that consider all Air Quality issues and causes.

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